Marcia X Zuleika

From Left: Your own Goku | Dongala from   thatsthesilentwandarer  |   the designer Marcia from  ma...

From Left: Your own Goku | Dongala from thatsthesilentwandarer | the designer Marcia from marciaadhikariaccessories | Mercia from zuleikabygahanagriha | Sanna from sanna'svision | Rhea from peppyowl

Photos by peppyowl

I'm wearing: Rolled up neck
Black denim
Blazer by 
Shoes by Topman
Watch by No. 7

It had been a long time since we, the bloggers have had our own "meet up" and i'm sure each of us were seeking a reason to. This is where the Marcia adhikari accessories X Zuleika by Gahana Griha exhibition came at our rescue. The joint exhibition had all of us bloggers invited and we were ready to go. For a much awaited bloggers meet at the exhibition of series of handcrafted accessories by  Marcia Adhikari,  on display at the ever-grande Gahana Griha, a luxurious showroom crafted out of amalgamation of Victoria meets 5th avenue style.

 The collection on display was a blend of versatile and stylish pieces of necklaces, hand chain, cocktail rings, layered necklaces and charm bracelets. Intriguing, effortless and making their own statements . And though the men items were rather limited to handcuffs and bracelets, the jwellery items were spot on. But don't you worry, more mens collection are on their way!

 About us bloggers, we always manage to have a great time when we gather.  As for the items on display, i'd say they were quite captivating. Don't take my words for it, take a look for yourself!:)

Have a thing for jwelleries?
Marcia X Zuleika might actually be your thing!
Goku <3

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